Friday, July 29, 2011

Where do I buy my veggies?

Another challenge!  You're not going to find a green grocer down in the local shopping center.  Once again, the prices and convenience of the major supermarkets drove these fabulous neighbors away.

A few suggestions ---
Supermarket fruit and vegetables, in general, are not that great.  By the time they get to the store, they've lost most of their nutritional value, and most of their taste. If you have the time and inclination, then I highly recommend you visit one of the farmers' markets for your produce.  You will find that the quality and prices beat any of the alternatives.

I absolutely LOVE Pike Place Market.  Once you get over the issue of parking, it's a huge treat to wander through the market selecting fabulous fresh fruit and vegetables, flowers, fish, meat and cheeses.  The Pike Place Market is a very, very, very small version of any of the markets we have back home (ie. the Queen Victoria), but it is certainly an environment that will give you some kind of feel that you are back home.  There's even a fresh donut stand where you can buy mini hot jam donuts.  Yum!!

Pike Place Market
located in Seattle, WA.
You can select from a variety of stalls of local growers, allowing you to hand choose your produce for freshness and price.

Yakima Fruit Market & Nursery
located in Bothell, WA.
Open through spring and summer from 6:00 am until 9:00 pm

The Neighborhood Farmers' Market Alliance provides details on seven Seattle area farmers markets at their web-page
The markets in U-District and West Seattle are open year round.

Getting out to a farmers' market is not always convenient, especially when many of them are only open during the short summer months.  To buy your fruit and vegies locally, I recommend:

Trader Joe's, PCC, Central Markets, Haggen, Metropolitan Market and Whole Foods

Have a fabulous Friday!!!

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